Pontoon Bridge
Notes on entry 15:
June 17, 1864 - Friday
Today is a very hard battle fought and a good many men are killed.

Soldiers Fighting
Notes on entry 16:
June 25, 1864 - Thursday
This morning I write a letter to Miss Emily and finish one to Miss Martha.
Today is very hot and sultry.
We draw some nice thing at Semmal (?) and from the Sanitary Commission.

Sanitary Commission
Notes on entry 17: I think he was a little sleepy and he didn't get all the words written down properly. I had to take one word out and put one in to make it make half way more sense.
June 26, 1864 - Sunday
Today I am on pickett all day and not having any sleep in the night it is pretty tough business and such an amount of shooting (as) is not often seen, it is by very strict orders, stopped.

Soldier on picket
Notes on entry 18: He stopped in mid sentence.
June 27, 1864 - Monday
This morning I am feeling pretty well.
After being off pickett I finish a letter to Miss Emily and one to miss Martha.
Charlie recieved one from near home and...

Writng a letter home
Notes on entry 19:
June 28, 1864 - Tuesday
Today we have nothing to do and can roam around as much as we please by getting permission from the commanding officier of the company.
Every company is making out it's payroll and very likely we shall get paid up to the first of July.
Notes on entry 20:
June 29, 1864 - Wednesday
This morning killed by a sharp shooter, Lenard Alexander, Company F.
He was one that had not re-enlisted, and a very good soldier.

Dead Soldier
Notes on entry 21:
June 30, 1864 - Thursday
Today nothing interesting transpires til about 2 o'clock in the afternoon (when) Colonel Bell of the 18th Corps advances his pickett.
The consequences is a sharp fight ensues.
We lose forty men killed, and a good many wounded.
Notes on entry 22:
July 1, 1864 - Friday
This morning is still and quiet.
At 2 o'clock this morning we had a smart artillery duel inwhich we have one man, Joseph Harl slightly wounded in Company H.
(Recieved) one letter from Cecil.
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