Fort Morgan
Notes on entry 79:
September 4, 1864 - Sunday
Recieved two letters from Warren.
One from home and the other from Cecil.
Notes on entry 80:
September 5, 1864 - Monday
This morning I answer a letter from home and shall try to answer Cecil's from a place near by.
Notes on entry 81:
September 6, 1864 - Tuesday
Today I recieved a permit to go away to the Sanitary Commission and get something fit for me to eat.
I go and am successful.
Notes on entry 82:
September 7, 1864 - Wednesday
This morning (I recieve) a letter from my new correspondent; Fannie Persons which I answer.
Notes on entry 83:
September 8, 1864 - Thursday
Today I recieve a paper from home, the Boston Journal.
I then go to the Sanitary Commission.
It is very tedious for me, I being unwell.
Notes on entry 84:
September 9, 1864 - Friday
Today the storm is passed over.
I have to report to (the) surgeon.
I write a letter to Mr. Samuel Fisk of Greenfield, Massachusetts in regard to that watch I sold at the Lander.
Notes on entry 85:
September 10, 1864 - Saturday
This morning three letters; one from the Postmaster of Greenfield, Massachusetts, one from Miss Martha L. Tracey, and the other from Mr. C.H. Bliss, Warren, Massachusetts.
Answered Miss Tracey's this morning.
Notes on entry 86:
September 11, 1864 - Sunday
This morning I am feeling rather rough.
Have to report to the surgeon.
Today I write to Mr. Bliss a part of a letter.
Notes on entry 87:
September 12, 1864 - Monday
This morning a part of a letter I finish to Mr. Bliss (who lives) near where my folks live in the town of Warren, Massachusetts.
I write an order on the Sanitary Commission for one can of milk, a few crackers and some farina and starch.
Notes on entry 88:
September 13, 1864 - Tuesday
It is one year ago today that the regiment was on the march for East Tennessee.
It rained then quite hard.
I was then detailed to help guard Captain Hall's headquarters (who was the) chief quartermaster of General Burnsides's staff.

Notes on entry 89:
September 14, 1864 - Wednesday
This morning (is) very cool.
I have to report to the surgeon's the same as usual.
His medicine does not seem to help me the least bit.
Notes on entry 90:
September 15, 1864 - Thursday
This morning I am hardly able to go to the hospital to report.
The doctor sends me immediately to the division hospital where I (am) all played out before I get there and ride in an ambulance at that.

Notes on entry 91:
September 16, 1964 - Friday
This morning I am feeling pretty bad.
The doctor gives me pills to be taken every hour.
Notes on entry 92:
September 17, 1864 - Saturday
This morning (I am) about the same as yesterday morning.
Notes on entry 93:
September 18, 1964 - Sunday
Today I am not feeling so well as usual.
Notes on entry 94:
September 19, 1864 - Monday
Today I recieve five letters from home from different persons.
Notes on entry 95:
September 20, 1864 - Tuesday
Today I am not so well as yesterday.
There is some talk of the 9th Corps getting paid.
Notes on entry 96: Sounds like he is in the rear with other soldiers who were taken out of the fighting.
September 21, 1864 - Wednesday
Today there is some talk of sending us away to the division hospital or general hospital tomorrow morning.
Notes on entry 97:
September 22, 1864 - Thursday
This morning we start for City Point Hospital where it is said we don't began to have the care taken of us that we would at the place I leave.
Notes on entry 98:
September 23, 1864 - Friday
This morning the doctor has the impudence to tell me I am a pretty well man to ever come to a hospital.
Notes on entry 99:
September 24, 1864 - Saturday
This morning I am about the same.
This morning the doctor thinks I am quite sick.
Notes on entry 100:
September 25, 1864 - Sunday
Today am feeling much better then I expected.
I should so that I so that I have an idea of going to my regiment in a few days.
Notes on entry 101:
September 26, 1864 - Monday
This morning am about the same as usual having a better appetite.
Notes on entry 102: The diary ends here.
September 27, 1864 - Tuesday
Today I am no better then yesterday.

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