Notes on entry 39:
July 18, 1864 - Monday
Today we lay in the front line.
There is very good news from Sherman's army which the boys feel pretty good about.
We shall move to the rear tonight where we expect to stay two days or so, and then return to the front.

General William T. Sherman
Notes on entry 40:
July 19, 1864 - Tuesday
I do not have but little mail for the regiment.
There is today an order issued that; all troops, that (if) their time is out before the 25th of August are to report (to the commanding officer.)
(They will be able to leave) as quick as transportation can be furnished to Washington.
Notes on entry 41:
July 20, 1864 - Wednesday
This morning I recieve a paper from home with a comb that I long since sent for.
(I) also write a letter to Miss Sara Pick of Hardwick, Massachusetts.
Tonight we shall move back into the front line.
Notes on entry 42:
July 21, 1864 - Thursday
Today we are in the breastworks in the front line.
We moved in yesterday just after dark.
While going Luetenant Bean is wounded in the foot, rather severe.
Notes on entry 43:
July 22, 1864 - Friday
Today the Rebels are throwing shells into us.
They hurt a number of our men in (the) brigade.
There is nothing for me to record but a visit to the left of our Corps where the 5th Corps does no firing.
Notes on entry 44:
July 23, 1864 - Saturday
Last night was very cool.
We began to feel the need of the woolen blankets.
I have one that I find a great comfort and think if I am careful, (I) shall escape the chill which so many are complaining about.
Notes on entry 45:
July 24, 1864 - Sunday
Today the same old routine of duty.
We lay in the front line and dodge the mortar shells which are very dangerous.
I recieve two letters from Warren.
One from C.H. Bliss, and the other from home and friends.
Notes on entry 46:
July 25, 1864 - Monday
Was last night on pickett.
It rained very hard.
The pit caved in and I never have seen a more disagreeable time doing that duty since I have been out, but today is pleasant and cool.

Notes on entry 47:
July 26, 1864 - Tuesday
Today (we have) inspection and review which ( we have to undergo) after the hardest nights (on) pickett duty since we left Fredericksburg.
(It) is pretty tough but then patience will be my only thing (I have) to fall back upon.
(I can stand) just so much duty and no more.
Notes on entry 48:
July 27, 1864 - Wednesday
This afternoon Lewis Hurie of Company C (was) wounded in the left side of the head, just breaking the skull.
The surgeon thinks he will recover.
Sargent E. Brown died this morning from the injuries (he) recieved the 23rd of this month by shell.
Notes on entry 49:
July 28, 1864 - Thursday
Today Johnny is inclined to shell us in earnest, taking one poor fellows arm off in the 56th Massachusetts.
He was a liuetenant.
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