Notes on entry 33:
July 12, 1864 - Tuesday
This morning we are back in the second line.
We move tonight into the first line of works on the extreme right of the brigade.
The 14th New York heavy, artillery (Regiment) are daily losing men at a fearful rate.

Notes on entry 34:
July 13, 1864 - Wednesday
Today finds us in the first line of workes.
There is this morning two of the 14th heavy artillery are seriously wounded while on pickett.
I answer a letter to Miss Emily of Annapolis.
Notes on entry 35: Things start heating up now.
July 14, 1864 - Thursday
Today I am on pickett the fourth time since we have been here.
The Rebels began throwing shell for the first time from the new fort they have built.
They are greatly to our discomfort.
Notes on entry 36: Again he stops in mid sentence.
July 15, 1864 - Friday
This morning 'Whistling Dick' and 'Christian Commission' are the names of the attacks(we engaged the Rebels in).
We have to dodge what few shells...
Notes on entry 37: I believe it is here when Henry was wounded when a cannon ball exploded close to where he was. He missed getting hit by shrapnal when the ball exploded, while others were killed and wounded by it. What he got was the force of the blast which permanently damaged his liver. He doesn't immediately realize the effects of the blast on his health, but as time goes by when the shock has worn off and the adrenalin rush subsides a little, he begins to feel the effects on his body which he will began to mention more often later in the diary.
July 16, 1864 - Saturday
Today the Rebels are throwing a good many shells from their mortars.
At 3 (o'clock) or half passed D. Witt C. Ray was shot dead instantly while carelessly exposing himself on pickett.

Notes on entry 38:
July 17, 1864 - Sunday
Again (we are) back in the second line of works.
The Rebels are today very quiet.
We have an inspection at 4 o'clock.
I write a letter to a friend in Pittsfield.
His name is Ulysses Crosby.
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