Some nearby woods

I got back on the highway. As you can see it is Highway 101. I believe this highway goes all the way to California. I wanted to go to a place called Queets which was several miles down the road. Back in the 1890's my great great grandfather Henry Sherman staked a claim there. He came with a friend of his who he had fought for the Union in the Civil War. He built a little cabin and he spent a lot of time clearing brush and chopping down trees. His cabin burnt down and he abandoned the claim and later went to Everett, Washington, and then onto Coupeville which is on Whidby Island where he lived out his days, and is buried.

I found Queets. It was about 45 minutes down the road. I had taken this same trip several years ago with my sons. Back then there was nothing in Queets except a gas station and a place to buy postcards. I think there was a private road, but they wouldn't let us drive down it bacause it was part of the reservation. It seems like there were more trees back then. Now they have cleared them away and there is a road that leads to some streets where there is a neighborhood.
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