CHIEF SEALTH'S GRAVE - This is one of the few pictures taken of the Chief.
A couple weeks ago I thought I would go across the water by ferry to an Indian Reservation in the town of Suquamish where Chief Sealth's grave is located. The City of Seattle was named after him. I have heard about him from a very early age. He didn't want the city to be called Sealth because according to Indian belief he would never get any rest up in the happy hunting ground everytime his name was spoken he would hear about it. I don't know if that was a legend or if that is something that really happened. Anyway the city was named Seattle, which is a version of his name. I took my sons to that grave site many years ago. At that time I didn't have a camera with me, and I had always intended to go back and take some pictures of it. It was a nice sunny day, perfect for a little outing like that.
Pulling away from the Seattle side
You get off the ferry and follow the highway a couple miles until you get to a bridge. After you cross the bridge you immediately get in the right lane and at the intersection you will see a sign that points you in the direction of Chief Sealth's grave. After that follow the signs and they will take you right to the graveyard.

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