Over the Pacific Ocean

First meal on the jet. Japanese cuisine
Dinner was great. I had Zensai, which is a selection of Japanese appetizers. There was Japanese cold noodles, miso flavored grilled fish with vegatables and steamed rice. Then Ice cream and cold oolong tea. I beleive this flight is supposed to be 10 hours long.
I spent several hours listening to contemporary, easy listening Chinese music. I slept for part of the time, but I can't seem to sleep for any length of time. I usually doze off for a few minutes at a time, then wake up after a few minutes.
I finally laid down on the three seats and slept for a few hours listening to light orchestra music. According to my watch it is 2230. It seems we should be landing soon.
I had some orange juice earlier and when I gave the empty can back to the stewartess she came back with an opened can of beer. I drank it. Maybe she thought it would relax me. The staff on the airplane seem to be all Japanese.
Quite a few hours ago they turned out all the lights. It seems everyone was sleeping or watching their individual monitors. I finally learned how to turn on my overhead light.
According to the itinerary I will arrive in Singapore Tuesday the 12th at 0120. Then I will depart for New Delhi at 1855 the next evening. I have a hotel booked in Singapore, so as soon as I'm done with customs I will take a taxi to Changi Village Hotel and check in.
One thing I have planned for this trip is to buy post cards, CD's of the local music and local art. These are the things I am looking to bring home.
The stewardesses have been good about coming around with liquids every 15 minutes or so.
They turned the lights on and then brought around another steaming towel. That was very refreshing. That's very Japanese.
No announcement yet. There is Japanese writing on the screen. We are heading straight to Tokyo according to the screen.
It looks like the route this airbus took was to Alaska and then over the Elusion Islands, and then to Japan. I opened the shades over the windows a couple of times and saw nothing but clouds.
Over the Pacific Ocean

Next meal
It looks like they are serving another meal. We have one hour and forty-five minutes before we land.
I set my watch. The time is 1700, Tuesday September 12, 2006.
1843 - We stopped in Tokyo for about a half an hour. I had to fill out an immigration paper for Singapore to stay over night there. I wish I could have seen more of Tokyo. I'm just glad to have been able to come.
Everyone is getting into the plane now. There is a whole different crowd, but still a few of the same people going to Singapore. I heard the captain said we are going to be flying over Thailand and Hanoi.
2040 - We are going through some storms and it is bumpy going. The Captain is climbing to a higher altitude in an attempt to get above the storm. He said it would take about 20 minutes to get out of it.
Somewhere over the Pacific

The last meal before we land in singapore
0130 - We are about to land. I slept most of the way from Tokyo to here.